Ilia The Base Face Milk Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] This product has quickly become a favorite in my skincare routine. It embraces Asian trends with a lotion-like texture, leaving the skin feeling silky and well-hydrated.

Ilia The Base Face Milk Review

Ilia The Base Face Milk is not an essential step in your skincare routine. It’s more of a luxurious addition with its milky consistency. The product feels instantly soothing on the skin, thanks to its excellent compatibility. It contains four-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid, along with lipids, fatty acids, and plant sterols.

Ilia The Base Face Milk

This face milk provides barrier protection and hydration to the skin. Continued use can lead to smoother skin texture, making it a delightful step post-cleansing and before moisturizing. Priced at £58, it’s a luxurious treat, but there is a mini version available for £28. You can find it HERE.

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All products are provided as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise mentioned. Affiliate links may be used. The content is not influenced by affiliate partnerships.

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