NEOM Wellbeing Soak Multi-Vitamin Bath Oil Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] I must confess that February is taking a toll on me, so my posts are a bit light this week. I’m feeling very tired, Dora isn’t well, and I have some big news – I’m focusing on building my Substack site, which will be ad-free except for occasional sponsored posts. I’ll let you know when it’s more polished and ready for visitors, and I appreciate your feedback on ads. A kind reader sent me an email suggesting I go for it with Substack, which gave me the push I needed. Substack is reminiscent of how blogging used to be before all the glitz. You can subscribe (my Substack will initially be £5 per month) and receive similar content to what you find here but without the annoying ads. There will be extra content (possibly more about Dora!), but I’m still working out the details. If there’s something specific you want to see, do let me know. While these pesky ads are financially beneficial for me, I understand that my regular readers dislike them, so this seems like the best alternative.

Neom Real Luxury Wellbeing Soak Review

The timing of the Neom release couldn’t be better – the Real Luxury Wellbeing Soak Multi-Vitamin Bath Oil is a delightful mix of jasmine, lavender, and sandalwood, the scents that truly bring relaxation to mind. The term “wellbeing” can sometimes be overused, especially in beauty products, but it means different things to different people. If a beautifully scented, hot, and steamy bath is what helps you unwind and focus on yourself, then it definitely contributes to your wellbeing. It amused me to read in the press release that one of the instructions for using the bath oil is to ‘soak for at least 10 minutes’ – because let’s be real, anyone getting out after 8 minutes is not really bathing correctly!

Neom Real Luxury Wellbeing Soak Review

While I can’t speak to the actual benefits of the ‘vitamins’ in this oil, the luxurious oils and fragrances will surely add to the experience. Inca Inchi, Rosehip, and Chia seed are all naturally rich in vitamins, but your skin will likely benefit more from the smoothness provided by the oils. At £45, it’s not a budget-friendly product, but it does bring a sense of luxury that can elevate your everyday baths to true relaxation sessions. You can find it at SpaceNK, where you might be able to use points to soften the price a bit HERE.

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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.

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