Diptyque Fleur de Peau Hand & Body Gel Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] While some may argue against splurging on luxury hand washes, a Radio 4 program on little indulgences people refuse to give up got me thinking about the small luxuries that bring us joy (like midlife ballet lessons, books, eyeliners, and Ubers), and for me, posh hand wash could be one of those little indulgences if I had to choose.

Diptyque Fleur de Peau Hand & Body Gel

If you’re unfamiliar with Fleur de Peau, it’s one of the mildest scents by Diptyque yet still exudes a powerful olfactory presence. This fragrance is described as soft and powdery with hints of iris and ambrette, evoking the sensation of clean skin and fresh laundry that are both ordinary and deeply comforting. The Hand & Body Gel version of this scent has just been released.

Diptyque Fleur de Peau Hand & Body Gel Review

Personally, I feel reluctant to use the Diptyque Fleur de Peau Hand & Body Gel all over in the bath or shower – I prefer to reserve it for hand washing at the sink. By doing so, I can make it last longer and savor the scent more throughout the day since we wash our hands multiple times but usually shower just once. This gel formula creates moments of tranquility – a sense of calm – that can help clear a cluttered mind with its soothing aroma. Diptyque Fleur de Peau Hand & Body Gel is priced at £43.

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