NEOM Wellbeing Discovery Set Review

NEOM Wellbeing Discovery Set Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] If you find yourself in need of a beauty hug, this NEOM collection might just do the trick. It’s all about nurturing and pampering and I like the way it’s divided into morning and evening with the Super Shower Power Body Cleanser (nicely minty) and Real Luxury Magnesium Body Butter, then Light the Happiness Candle and Perfect Night’s Sleep Pillow Mist – the products bookend your day.

NEOM Wellbeing Discovery Collection

The products are all quite small – the candle is travel size, the bodybutter is 30ml, the shower gel is 50ml and the mist is 30ml. However, as soon as you open the box a gorgeous aromatherapy scent wafts from the candle – so it’s a great opener, that’s for sure. I’ve been using my NEOM Hibernate candle a lot of late – we had friends over on Saturday and they loved the scent in the room. The box is £50 HERE from SpaceNK which feels like quite a lot of the size of products but on the other hand, that’s some very aromatic and pleasant pampering ahead.

NEOM Wellbeing Discovery Collection

NEOM founder, Nicola Elliot, is just about to release her first book, The Four Ways to Wellbeing which you can preorder HERE for £13.99. I don’t think it’s covering any new ground but it’s friendly and relatable in writing style which is half the battle won really. If you can relate to the author you’re probably more likely to implement changes suggested.

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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.

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